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FAQ to Reminiscence

We're here to help...

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Do i need previous experiences to join the retreat?

No, the retreat is open to all levels when it comes to Yoga, meditation. Also all workshops are meant as introduction to new and exciting pratices.
We do conduct a screening before confirming your booking, to make sur the group has a great synergy, as well as compatible goals, to get the best results for everyone.

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What is the schedule

Experience the transformative Reminiscence Retreat, nestled in the enchanting jungle of Tulum. Over 9 days, each thoughtfully designed to deepen your connection to self and the world around you, embark on a soul-stirring journey of discovery and healing.

Start your mornings with yoga, guided meditations, and the activation of a specific chakra. Explore the profound power of your energetic centers as you journey through the Root, Sacral, Plexus Solar, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown chakras. Immerse yourself in practices that harmonize and awaken these vital energy centers, inviting balance and vitality into your being.

In the afternoons, indulge in sensory awakenings that ignite your senses and deepen your sense of presence. Engage in workshops and experiences dedicated to exploring taste, touch, sight, sound, smell, and proprioception. Awaken each sense through carefully curated exercises, allowing you to fully embody the richness of the present moment.

As the sun sets, immerse yourself in sacred ceremonies that draw upon ancient wisdom and traditions. Engage in Mayan cleansing rituals, aroma therapy, music therapy, and transformative experiences like tantrism. Embrace the power of traditional ceremonies, offering profound insights and spiritual growth.


Can I join the retreat on my own?

Of course! Actually most our guest are solo travelers on their path to spiritual enlightenment. You will meet like minded people and make new and durable relationships.

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